Monday, August 23, 2010

Who am I voting for??

Ok if you are headed to the polls to vote, and you are stumped as to who to vote for here are my picks. Now I live in District 6 and Legislative District 22, so you might have different canidates depending on your district. So let start at the top and work our way down.

Senator: JD Hayworth
*JD is not my favorite but their is NO WAY McCain can be re-elected!!! He has been in for way to long and I believe to fix our state we must start with immigration, McCain has been for Amnesty but all the sudden (so he can get re-elected) he acts like he wants to secure the border!!! Well several years to late "my friend".

District 6 Congressman: Jeff Smith
*Jeff Flake has been in for awhile now and his time is up. He claims to have fought against spending and against amnesty but I haven't seen much proof. Sorry we need real results, and if Smith doesn't deliver than out with him at the next election.

Governor: By default, Jan Brewer
*I'm not going to lie, I wanted Dean Martin but he and Buzz pulled from the race to support Jan, because she is fighting the good fight with SB1070.

State Senator: Easy one, Andy Biggs
*I'm very impressed with him. I have gone to meetings and heard him talk and he is a TRUE conservative and is working hard to stop spending =)

State Rep for District 22: (you can choose 2) Laurin Hendix and Eddie Farnsworth

State Treasurer: Leah's vote, Barbara Leff, Tea Party's vote, Thayer Verschoor
*I heard all those who are running speak and I really really liked Barbara Leff. Thayer was good too, but this one I voted with my gut and went with Barbara

The Dreaded Attorney General: I'm not going to tell you who to vote for. Their has been a nasty fight between Andrew Thomas and Tom Horne. I have NO idea who is telling the truth and who I would like to represent our state. This is an important position so I'm upset they both seem un-fit for the job.

State Superintendent: Margaret Dugan
* I heard her and John Huppenthal speak more than once and Huppenthal rubbed me the wrong way. He has no experience in the classroom. Margaret started out as a school teacher, principal, etc...and worked her way to the top, so she understands what it is like for teachers. Huppenthal is also in favor of Obama's STUPID plan "Race to the Top"....more federal money.

Corporation Commissioner: (choose 2) Brenda Burns and Gary Pierce

County Attorney: Bill Montgomery

Ok their you go. Hope that helps and Happy Voting!!! If you need to know where to go vote here is the link to help you. But shame on you for not figuring this out already!!!